There's a promise in the bible that if us parents train up our children in the way he or she should go that even when they are old they will not depart from it. (paraphrased Proverbs 22:6)
We partner with parents to provide support and resources as we raise and train up our kids together and teach them the truth found in scripture. We want to help bring Jesus into everyday conversations with our kids.
Training up a child does not just happen once a week, it's a daily training us parents must commit to teach our kids how to live life as a daily follower of Jesus.

We are family and we love our kids! The kids are with us during our gatherings as much as possible. We believe that so much can be learned when we are together as a multigenerational family.
When we gather together our kids are with us for worship and then leave to hear a message tailored for them and join us again for continued worship, testimonies and prayer. Our family friendly environment puts emphasis on this next generation of Jesus followers.
We are using Orange Curriculum and your child can expect to see a video, have discussion as well as learn a memory verse and a year long challenge of learning the books of the bible. Kids earn tickets when they bring their bibles, learn the memory verse and for good behavior. They use their tickets to get prizes from a treasure box.

We rotate willing parents and guardians as teachers for our kids. Every week your child will be taught by a different couple. This helps create community in your child's life as they get to know new adults who love Jesus. As a church, we are family and teach our kids as such.
All teachers have gone through a background check before they are allowed to work with our kids. We also ensure that we have at least two volunteers in a room providing care and accountability. If you have further questions about our practices to ensure your child's safety please connect with one of our volunteers.